With son Jackson, Nov 2019

With son Jackson, Nov 2019


About Stacey & David Pack - Updated 2023

Stacey and David met 20 years ago, and immediately found they had a common love of music and a shared faith. Stacey moved from her native Annapolis, MD to California, and the couple were married in Kauai (their mutual “happy place”) 17 years ago. After the birth of their son, they moved from Manhattan Beach to South Orange County CA, inspired by Rick Warren’s amazing book Purpose Driven Life. They joined Saddleback Church and remained there for a decade of service.

Then in 2015 they moved to Napa Valley inspired by David’s Napa Crossroads CD - all composed and recorded in this awe-inspiring region. They lived there for 6 years with their son Jackson, now 16.

In July 2018, at the age of 46, Stacey suspected something unusual in one of her breasts, but after a routine mammogram she was told not to worry - it was likely a cyst, perhaps related to dense breast tissue.

Shortly thereafter she developed debilitating shingles on one side of her face and inner ear. Because of complications and the long recovery time she was distracted in addressing her growing concern over her breast. In Dec. 2018, following her instincts, she persisted and pushed her doctor for another mammogram, and was again told that the result was clear. Unsatisfied, Stacey insisted on a sonogram. This finally and sadly revealed that something indeed was not right - she had breast cancer.

She started aggressive treatment in Feb. 2019 under the care of UCSF B.C. pioneer & immunotherapy expert Dr. Laura Esserman, with a team that included oncologist Dr. Michelle Melisko, and radiation expert Dr. Joanna Yang. They determined she had triple-negative breast cancer, and it was more advanced than one would hope; but after 18 months of chemo, surgery, and radiation, she was told everything was successful and she was cancer-free.

Stacey continued with follow-ups even during COVID, and was told each time that her test results were clear.

After 2020, with the music business & touring totally shut down for David, Jackson having had his first year of high school lost to mostly virtual study, and Stacey still building back her strength, the Packs needed a time of complete rehabilitation as a family. In July 2021 they packed their lives into shipping containers and moved to their happy place of Kauai (along with their family dog Winston) to live their dream.

Just as they were beginning to find the healing they all needed, only a month after the move, Stacey started having very sharp pains in her upper right back. The pain grew so quickly she could hardly stand up, so she contacted her oncologist and got an MRI.

The results in early September were terrifying: cancer had metastasized to her upper spine. The family would need to fly San Francisco and immediately get her into UCSF Medical Center. Stacey underwent a full course of radiation, and molecular bloodwork determined the specific gene mutation responsible for the new cancer.

They will now (Nov. 2021) work with her doctors to determine the proper course of action (chemo, immunotherapy, clinical trial, etc.) and figure out where they will have to live while she receives treatment to get her better.

UPDATE - On February 9, 2023, David Pack regretfully announced the passing of his wife Stacey after a courageous 5-year battle with metastatic breast cancer. She was 50 years old. David thanks their friends for the kind and thoughtful notes over the last month. Read the press release announcing Stacey’s passing HERE.

More details on the time between Nov 2021 - Feb 2023 will be posted soon.